2nd, 4th and 5th Friday morning, 9.00am to 1.00pm
Group Leader:
Gail Hawes
About the Historic and Contemporary Textile Collection
The Embroiderers’ Guild of WA maintains a collection of embroidered textiles, lace and related tools, contemporary and traditional, with local, national and international pieces from 1680 to 2023, for enjoyment, inspiration, study, research and teaching. The Collection Archives has old publications associated with embroidery and lace.
It is run by a group of 12 Guild members, volunteers trained in best Australian and International Museum practice.

The role of the Collection Group is to classify, research, conserve, maintain and care for items in the Guild’s Historic and Contemporary Textile Collection of embroidery and lace. Members meet at Guild House on the 2nd, 4th and 5th Fridays of the month from 9.00am to 1.00pm. Members assess the donated items according to Guild policy and criteria. Once accepted, the item is cleaned, mended, conserved, photographed, tags and tapes attached with an accession number and then accessioned. This information is then entered on the database.
Members of the Collection Group prepare and set up displays in the community, give talks on the Collection and historic textiles, as well as advise the public and run workshops on the conservation of textiles.
Guild members with an interest in the history of embroidery and lace, in conservation and caring for and sharing our cultural heritage are welcome to join our friendly Group.
Viewing the Collection is by appointment only. Please email
Aiming to make the Collection available to a wider audience, a digitisation project is underway. This will take time, so we recommend you return to this link regularly to view the newly uploaded items.
Click here to View the Textile Collection online.