The Collection Group’s new archival boxes have arrived!

5th September 2022

A recent grant from The Copland Foundation has enabled the Collection Group to purchase a large number of archival storage boxes. These boxes will allow fragile items to be stored safely with minimal handling, and embroidery tools are now placed safely in custom made boxes that can be easily accessed and viewed. The boxes have been designed and made with our storage units in mind – fitting perfectly to ensure the maximum number of boxes (and tools) in each cabinet drawer. 

With this generous Copland Foundation donation, the Guild’s Historic Collection is able to be stored and cared for according to best museum practice.

The Embroiderers’ Guild Historic and Contemporary Textile Collection is available for viewing by appointment. Please email to make a time.


All ready to use...

Archive boxes 1 being sorted...

Archive boxes 3

...and beautifully installed!

Archive boxes 2



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