2023 Stumpwork Masterclass with Alison Cole
13th September 2022
You've seen the book, now is the chance to do the course. We have great pleasure in offering a unique opportunity to develop your stumpwork skills.
Guild members no longer need to go to embroidery conventions in the Eastern States or overseas to enjoy Alison’s fun filled and expert tuition. The Education Committee have worked hard with Alison to bring her to Perth to teach her Stumpwork masterclass in 2023.
This series of workshops will lead participants through both historical and contemporary techniques for Stumpwork embroidery. Students will have the option of working a series of samplers or working directly onto their own embroidery design that will grow over the course of the lessons.
Timetable of workshops:
Each module will be taught on Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday:
Dates: February 2, 3, 4 and 5 Design, Padding, Needle lace
March 30, 31, April 1 and 2 Adding to Needle lace, People, Skies, Fillings, Signatures
May 4, 5, 6 and 7 Animals, Flowers, Grounds
August 3, 4, 5 and 6 Buildings, Trees, Grottoes,Fountains
November 2, 3, 4 and 5 Bugs, Birds, Borders
This course is designed for experienced embroiderers. Alison has set aside all of her interstate classes to us for the year, so students will be expected to commit to the full course.
Class Fees: $1600 for 5 x 4 day workshops
To book your place, please click here.
If you have any queries about the content of the workshop, please feel free to contact Alison on alison@alisoncoleembroidery.com.au.
For queries related to booking, please contact the Workshop Registrar on wshops@embroiderersguildwa.org.au.
For more information download this document